Wanda Prątnicka
In the Wheel of Life, Volume 2
angielska wersja książki
Kołowrót Życia, tom 2


In Volume II, I present Life from an even broader perspective. I wrote Volume I assuming that you lived on Earth only once. In this book, I describe your Life from the perspective of many incarnations and gently lead you step-by-step from life here on Earth, through so-called death and all levels of existence that follow, and into the next life in physicality. Essentially, it will help you realize what we commonly call death is not the end of life, but a transition from one state to another. This will lead you to the conclusion that you never die, you only exchange bodies like clothes, and as a soul you exist eternally.

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This knowledge will spontaneously and completely change your view on Life and free you from both fear of death and life. It will also free you from the fear of a dangerous, vengeful, unjust God. Taking a look at one’s own life from the perspective of many lives answers a very essential question about ostensible injustice. Who knows? Perhaps you will stop blaming God for injustice when you will realize why He, who ultimately is only Love, put people on earth in such extreme diverse conditions.

By accepting this broadened perspective you will come to understand why some people are happy, healthy, beautiful, and wealthy, while others lack everything. People in the latter group struggle greatly every day and deceive themselves into believing that there is no chance for a better future.

You will become convinced that you are not a victim of your life, but your life’s creator. This will allow you to take responsibility for your life. The knowledge contained in my book gives you this responsibility, but also the tools to introduce your psyche to changes that will lead to a better, happier, more secure and wealthy life on all fronts. I wish you this from the bottom of my heart.

General description:

Wanda Pratnicka presents the Universal Laws ruling our Universe over the span of approximately two thousand pages in her new book consisting of four volumes. These laws have the same impact on our daily lives as they do on our overarching concepts of spiritual development. The author often raises extremely complicated and deep questions, presenting them in an exceptionally simple way. Her work is easily comprehended by experts in the esoteric field and novices alike. An expert will find the correct way to interpret the studies of the greatest Teachers of humanity, and the beginner will find explanations full of truth, peace, and light concerning all areas of daily life. The book discusses the entire range of what human experiences consist of. It raises questions corresponding to physical space, as well as higher worlds including the etheric, astral, mental, causal, and higher. This work is intended for people interested in spiritual development, as well as people who constantly work on improving their situation, whether it be emotional, material, interpersonal, etc. Volume I and II contain further explanation of all phenomena mentioned in the author’s previous book, Possessed by Ghosts: Exorcisms in the 21st Century.

A note from the author regarding Volumes I-IV of In the Wheel of Life:

Dear reader, in this book I would like to present Life from a broader perspective and lead you step by step through all its stages. I talk extensively about a soul, to make it clear to you Who You Are in Essence and to let you know what caused you to come to Earth. This knowledge will help you discover meaning in your experiences and what the purpose of your life and the lives of those close to you is. You will find out how the distant past influences your present life and what will happen with you when you are separated from your physical body. These are very essential matters because this knowledge has an influence not only on your journey here on Earth, but on the entire range of experiences each human shares while going through the transition commonly known as death of the physical body.Information contained in this book will allow you to look at life from a completely different perspective, free of fear and the illusions you have accepted as the truth until this point. Everything that I present here is already known to you on the deeper levels of Your Being. Hence, my role is only to remind you of what you already know.”

ISBN 10: 83-60280-52-5
ISBN 13: 978-83-60280-52-2
EAN: 9788360280522


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Informacje dodatkowe

Waga590 g
Wymiary14,5 × 20,5 cm

Wanda Prątnicka


okładka miękka


422 strony